
Total: $0.00

Error message

Notice: Undefined index: random in backstretch_context_reaction_backstretch->execute() (line 398 of /home/3reich/public_html/sites/all/modules/backstretch/plugins/backstretch_context_reaction_backstretch.inc).

WW 2 - Ultra rare set of 4 drug boxes produced by Bayer-IG Farben with all the ampoules intact!

Product category: 
Military Division: 

Since we are unique, we offer always different things. We offer you the chance to get this ultra rare set of 4 drug boxes produced by Bayer-IG Farben,  F.Joh.Hivizda and ErBe  with all the ampoules intact! 2 of them produced during the III Reich period by Bayer which was part of IG Farben, most of these medicines were tested with guinea pigs from Auschwitz III Monowitz, inmates from subcamps from Buna and Rajsko ! All boxes, with all the labels in perfect conditon, have the content intact! All the ampoules are complete and full of with medicine. 80 years after production, arrive to our days complete. 2 of them are produced by the infamous IG Farben Industries. Bayer, the famous chemical laboratories, was part of this gigantic complex of chemical industries run by the Nazi regime. 2 of them are to be administrated with injections. The medicines were: Injectiones sterilisatae, Diphtherie serum , Adolorin  and Neosalvarsan . Are you going to let this chance go? Perfect for reconstructors
