2 Lapel Pins of the German Hunting Association - DJV Price:$60.00 Product category: German non-military 2 Lapel Pins of the German Hunting Association - DJV (Deutscher Jagdverband/DJV) Specifics: 3 Reich awards and medalsInsignia & pinsStock: 1
Temporary Kennkarte Issued to a Polish Woman From Lemberg Probably Etnic German 1943 Temporary Kennkarte Issued to a Polish Woman From Lemberg Probably Etnic German 1943 $120.00
Post-war Polish Certificate to Repatriate Pole 1945 Post-war Polish Certificate to Repatriate Pole 1945 $80.00
Request form to ask for a Kennkarte for a Polish woman from Falkenburg now Zlocieniec Request form to ask for a Kennkarte for a Polish woman from Falkenburg now Zlocieniec $120.00
Set of Ausweis and Postal Identity card to the same German woman from Thuringien Set of Ausweis and Postal Identity card to the same German woman from Thuringien $120.00