Work Certificate Issued to a Polish Jewish Man in Petrikau Who Was Employed by German Glass Company $1,300.00 1
Private Taken Photo of 2 Gypsy Women In a Street of an Unknown Polish City Selling Some Products $80.00 1
Very Rare Photo Taken in 1940 of 2 Wehrmacht Members Having Dinner With Jewish Menorah Behind $230.00 1
Photo of Some German Soldiers Holding a Sign With Anti-Semitic Message in Dutch "Forbidden For Jews" $180.00 1
Special Number of the Nazi Magazine "Illustrierter Beobachter" - Antikomintern on the Cover $100.00 1
WW2 Period Drawings Album and Painting by Dutch Artist Emilie de Vries & Original Drawing and his signature . $380.00 1
Ghetto Tomaszow - Postcard Sent From Very Small Ghetto to Jewish Council of the Ghetto Litzmannstadt 1942 $360.00 1
Belgian anti-Semitic pamphlet with a supposed masterplan of the Jewry to control the world causing wars with obscure intentions $320.00 1
Jewish - 5 pages' dossier related to the Jews that could work and those that had forbidden their work in the amusement sector in Belgium and Northern France. Names list! $290.00 1
German Book "German Forefront in the East. Picture Book About the GG" by Helmut Gauweiler 1941 $280.00 1
Set of 5 Numbers of Occupied France Period Anti-Semitic Tabloid "Je Suis Partout" Dated in the 40s $120.00 1
4 Numbers of the French Anti-Semitic Newspaper "Au Pilori" Published During German Occupied France $100.00 1
Set of 5 Numbers of Occupied France Period Anti-Semitic Tabloid "Au Pilori" Dated in the Early 40s $120.00 1
Number 21 of the Anti-Semitic Newspaper "Der Stuermer" - Year 1943 The Scream From the Katyn Forest $160.00 1
Anti-Plutocrat Belgian Newspaper "Gazette of the Ardennes" - Number 62 "The Profitable War" 1918 $90.00 1
Anti Semitic - Set of 6 pages that explain in Dutch the measures against the Jews contained in the Ordinance of 28.October 1940 $480.00 1
Ghetto Litzmannstadt - 2 Documents Issued in 1943 by the Working Department Office of the Jewish council of the Ghetto. $170.00 1
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Warsaw - Few postcards sent from ghetto to Russian side in May 1941 $670.00 1