3 Reich - Aktion T4 - Euthanasia - IDs Daughter of Arthur Gutt - Aryan Race
Price: | $480.00 |
Ultra rare set of Identity documents that belonged to the daughter of the infamous Arthur Gutt, Nazi population expert and head of the National Hygiene Department in the Reich Ministry of the Interior! Ursula Gutt daugther of Arthur Gutt - she must be the "perfect German girl" . Arthur Gutt, a very important doctor during III Reich that was involved in racial hygiene practices and laws to "protect" Aryan race from mixing with other "inferior" races.This set has 2 documents: Ursula's Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitut Ausweiskarte for students, with her photo and issued in 1938, and his Kennkarte, also complete with photo and issued in 1940. Both are made from canvas and are in super condition.A very interesting set of the daughter of a very influential Nazi during III Reich regime.Arthur Gutt was born on 17 August 1891 in Michelau.After completing his medical studies, Gutt became a circuit leader of the NSDAP (Kreis Labiau) in 1923. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, Dr Gutt was appointed Ministerial Adviser for Racial Culture and Heredity, attached to the Public Health Department. The following year he became Ministerial Director and co-authored an official commentary on the sterilization laws with Ernst Rudin entitled Gesetz zur Verh?tung Erbkranken Nachwuchses vom 14. Juli 1933 . . . {Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Disease in Posterity).In June 1935 G?tt became head of the Office for Population Policy and National Hygiene on the staff of the Reichsf?hrer-SS and President of the State Academy of the Public Health Service. Gutt was the architect of the sterilization law of 24 November 1936 dealing with habitual offenders and immoral offences. He w as also the author of a number of works in the held of racial hygiene.In September 1939 G?tt retired from his position in the Ministry of the Interior at his own request. A year later he was nonetheless promoted to SS Major General.He died in 1949 with his role in developing the legal foundations of Public Health Organization in the Third Reich largely forgotten.