3 Reich - Big Size Photo of Same Russian Soldier September 1939 Lviv & Curious of Newspaper Cut of same Soldier
Price: | $180.00 |
In September 1939, immediately after the invasion of Germany on Poland, Russia on September 17 attacked Poland from the east, occupying over 1/3 of Poland's territory. In Lviv, the German and Russian troops met, and this is a photo of such a meeting, between a Russian officer and Germany. For almost 2 years until June 14, 1941, Russia collaborated closely with the Third Reich, helping Hitler with supplies, grain, oil, metals and everything needed to wage war. Curious set of photos from September 1939 take it in Lviv. One is a cut from a newspaper where we see some Russian officers and soldiers in a room with a wall paper that can be seen in the other photo of the set, of big format, and where we also see same russian soldier posing in the photo of the newspaper and the sam wall paper. So it's taken in the same place and with same person. A very unique photo.