3 Reich - National Socialist Economic Structure 1936
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After the liberalist-Marxist system had been swept away, the German people set about the great task of rebuilding the state and economy. The principle "common good before self-interest" has been recognized by the German people as a pioneer for their future.The first edition of this book was published in the first year of the National Socialist development. The greatly expanded second edition was now necessary because the organization of the state and the economy was largely established. The book has already found its way into broad circles of the people, in schools, in the training work of the party, in libraries and in business enterprises; The reports and discussions of the work prove to us that our intention has succeeded in paving new paths for economic education and training. What has already been said about the method of pictorial representation in the first edition therefore also applies to the present edition."Every economic and state-political knowledge goes back to the basic empirical facts of population, economic and financial statistics. Whoever wants to present facts must therefore give basic figures. The layman can, however, evaluate series of numbers in the rarest of cases. Therefore, in the book is still The pictorial method of representation has been used to illustrate the series of numbers. Instead of the boring curves and bars, symbolic diagrams have been chosen. The quantity image method has been retained for the sake of general comprehensibility. The count image method was only used for a few images The various problems that have been dealt with in the 420 images in this book could not possibly be forced into the rigid systematics of a certain method of representation. "When working on the new edition, it turned out to be necessary to use the schematic diagram to a greater extent to represent the party and economic organizations. It must be taken into account that a schematic representation can never express all the relationships that exist in life. The placement of these schemes on special boards should facilitate the use of these images for teaching and organizational purposes.The documents for the number pictures and the schematic representations come only from official sources.We still have the pleasant duty to express our sincere thanks to all official bodies who also supported us with words and deeds in the revision of this book. We owe a big thank you to Dr. Schrotter, the economics officer of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, who advised us with great expertise in the design of most of the pictures and gave us valuable tips for expanding the book. We would also like to thank the other gentlemen of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda for their active support, especially Mr. Schmidt.This book, which pays tribute to the successful work of our ingenious leader Adolf Hitler in the first three years of his reign, has again received valuable equipment from the publisher in its second edition to make it a lasting gift for every German national comrade. We would therefore like to express our special thanks to the publishing director, Mr. Otto Jamrowski. His diverse experience was of great use in the technical design of the book.The paragraph of the first edition has shown that this book is particularly suitable for awakening understanding for the enormous work of Adolf Hitler and his fellow combatants in building up the Third Reich, regardless of the age and educational background of every national. The extensive expansion of the work secures this book the way to all German national comrades who do not want to stand aside in the great construction work.Very good condition , 303 pages . Berlin, March 1936.author Dr. Paul Blankenburg Max Dreyer