Anti-Semitic book "Die Judenmacht - Ihr Wesen und Ende" written by Erich and Mathilde Ludendorff
Price: | $110.00 |

Anti-Semitic book "Die Judenmacht - Ihr Wesen und Ende" written by Erich and Mathilde Ludendorff. Translated into English as "The power of the Jews - its nature and aims", this book is an anti-Semitic study that supports the Nazi theory that international Jewry was responsible for the defeat of German Empire during WW1 and the close bonds with secret societies such as masonry, with the aim to control finances all over the world and destroy the western society to slave the citizens. Book was written by Eich Ludendorff before his death, who was the most important general of the German Army with von Hindenburg, along with his wife Mathilde Ludendorff, who was a doctor herself and also occultist. Both were fervent anti-Semites and anti-Catholics. Book was published by Mathilde in 1939. It's in excellent condition and it has some b/w pictures.