Anti Semitic - Centenary commemorative leaflet of the French anti-Semite Edouard Drumont, founder of the Antisemitic League of France - 1944
Price: | $120.00 |
Centenary commemorative leaflet of the French anti-Semite Edouard Drumont, founder of the Antisemitic League of France issued in 1944. It has a photo of Drumont and on the reverse a quote or speech of this French nationalist, trying to explain that anti-Semitism is more than a Hitler political idea.
" Who is the real master? It's the Jew! It is the Jew who holds everything in his hands. The day you attack the Jew, you take the reality of hand to hand, you measure yourself with your real enemy. Edouard DRUMONT * Jewish rancidity published in 1889. "
Édouard Adolphe Drumont (3 May 1844 – 5 February 1917) was a French journalist and writer. He initiated the Antisemitic League of France in 1889, and was the founder and editor of the newspaper La Libre Parole. After spending years of research, he synthesized three major types of antisemitism. The first type was traditional Catholic attitudes toward the alien "Christ killers" augmented by vehement antipathy toward the French Revolution. The second type was hostility toward capitalism. The third type was so-called scientific racism, based on the argument that races have fixed characteristics, and asserting that Jews have negative characteristics. Drumont's biographer, Grégoire Kauffmann, places Drumont within the counter-revolutionary tradition of Louis Veuillot, Antoine Blanc de Saint-Bonnet, and anti-modern Catholicism. Socialist leader Jean Jaurès stated that "all the ideas and arguments of Drumont were taken from certain clerical opponents of the French Revolution.
Leaflet is in good condition.