Auschwitz - Set of 2 Arbeitsbücher to a married couple who worked for IG Farben in Auschwitz III Monowitz!
Price: | $140.00 |
Nice set of 2 Arbeitsbücher (work booklets) that belonged to a married couple who worked in Auschwtiz III Monowitz Buna werke IG Farbenindustrie plant in Poland for a period of time apart from other places in Germany. They worked as accountants (Buchhalter). There are entries of all the palces they worked for and the stamp of IG Farben Auschwitz Werke is perfectly visible. This plant was located in the area of Monowitz (Poland) and it was part of the vast complex of subcamps of KL Auschwitz. Thousands of slaves were used to work in this plant during the existence of the camp and many were jews, so the connection with the Holcoaust is obvious. Both booklets are the 2 models issued during III Reich for German people and they are in great condition. Very interesting!