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Awesome set of 2 porcelain pieces of Swedish anti-Semitic propaganda

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Awesome set of 2 porcelain pieces of  anti-Semitic propaganda. Gulaschbaron specifically named during and after the First World War a "warrior", often with the biblical, rich and vigorous rise. Actually, it was a person who in a short time earned a fortune to deliver food to primarily the central armies of the First World War. It can be used in transfer to people who have become wealthy through speculation or war warriors in general.

The "Gulaschtiden" is an informal term for the crisis years during and immediately after the First World War, the Gulaschbaron era . The other day consists of German gulasch, a strong peppered meat dish, from Hungarian gulyás. The name came from Denmark, where some merchants during the First World War earned money to sell bad gulasch. The Gulasch barons were a popular motive for the joke press during and after the First World War. Here in the form of an ashtray with a satisfied gulaschbaron that supports a bag of coffee and a bag of flour. One foot supports him on a box of preserves. One is a really well made ashtray-caricature of a Jew, depicted with the typical clichés to insult and caricature the Jews: chubby men, that controlled banks, rich and greedy, while population worked hard and received nothing in kind. These clichés were commonly used by Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda in newspapers like Der Sturmmer. The same scene is drawed on the porcelain plate. So we have the same figure in 2D and 3D, which isn't that common. Both in very good condition, Ashtray have very small cracks but looks perfect with this plate.
