Big set of 6 award 62nd Infantry Division documents to an infantry Hauptmann of the 190 Regiment of the Wehrmacht
Price: | $620.00 |
Nice and complete set of 7 different documents issued to a German 62nd Infantry Division , infantry Hauptmann of the 190 Regiment of the Wehrmacht. The award documents are some standard type and others handmade as well as machine-typed:
- Wounded badge in black award document dated 1941
- Wounded badge in silver award documnet dated 1944
- Iron Cross 2nd class award document dated 1941
- Infantry assault badge in silver award document dated 1941
- Close combat clasp in bronze award document dated 1943. Hand made with a type-machine
- Promotion document to Oberleutnant dated 1942. This documnet was handwritten in the front.
- Hand drawn Siegerurkunde or winner diploma given to the same man in 1944 for winning a contest of downhill ski-run during the war. Kinda unofficial diploma given by comrades. Rare anyway.
All in excellent condition.