Complete Letter With Envelope Sent in Vienna in 1908 With Anti-Semitic Stamps on the Envelope Price:$120.00 Product category: Jewish Holocaust Ghettos Complete Letter With Envelope Sent in Vienna in 1908 With Anti-Semitic Stamps on the Envelope. Specifics: Documents & paperworkJewish itemsPropaganda - Anti jewishStock: 1
Ghetto Warsaw - Rare registered letter sent by a Jew from ghetto Warsaw to USA. Ghetto Warsaw - Rare registered letter sent by a Jew from ghetto Warsaw to USA. $360.00
Very rare registered letter envelope sent from Paris to Litzmannstadt-Marysin Ghetto, a small part of Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Very rare registered letter envelope sent from Paris to Litzmannstadt-Marysin Ghetto, a small part of Litzmannstadt Ghetto. $620.00
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