We offer you a good chance to get an original jacket that belonged to a prisoner of one of the many concentration camps Germans set up all over Europe. This jacket is actually a great example of those striped jacket inmates were obligated to wear when in camps. We are talking about a very rare item, not easy to come across and worn condition. All these jackets had a number patch and a Wankel or triangle stitched to it, but in this case only the number patch is preserved, whereas the winkel was removed. Sadly the number of this prisoner is totally faded and we can't identify him. We don't know if he was a political prisoner, a Jew, an homosexual... But the piece is a beautiful and perfect example of those jackets. This one has a kind of summer striped fabric that was seen in camps like Mauthausen among st others. Some parts of the jacket show heavy wear and were repaired. We deduce from the condition o the jacket, that prisoner carried out hard labor or some physical heavy work, therefore the repairs.
A museum piece without any doubt!
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