
Total: $0.00

Error message

Notice: Undefined index: random in backstretch_context_reaction_backstretch->execute() (line 398 of /home/3reich/public_html/sites/all/modules/backstretch/plugins/backstretch_context_reaction_backstretch.inc).

Concentration camp inmate's bowl like those used in KL Lublin-Majdanek

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 This bowl is like those used in KL Majdanek-Lublin inmates. This has still intact the KL ownership stamping, which is Kgl. Waffen SS Lublin ( this is mean Krieggefangenenlager Waffen SS Lublin for beginning of KL Majdanek camp ) , as these were manufactured in some SS workshops there. Some like this one could be seen in Majdanek memorial museum in Lublin, being exhibited there.
