Der Sturmer - Rare ultra antisemitic leaflet handed out by "Der Sturmer" in the streets sharing anti Jewish message and explaining the aims of the newspaper and its position/intentions regarding politics and people
Price: | $180.00 |
Rare ultra antisemitic leaflet handed out by "Der Stürmer" in the streets sharing anti Jewish message and explaining the aims of the newspaper and its position/intentions regarding politics and people. It contains a long text explaining carefully their vision about Nazism, people, Jewry, politics and Catholicism. All this with a violent text that tried to attract the attention of the German population so that they could destroy the common enemy: the international Jewry, the enemy of Germany and German race. At the end of the leaflet, on the reverse, we can see along call to the people to join "Der Stürmer" and read it so that they could keep fighting against the Jews. It ends with the anti-Semitic motto "Ohne Lösung der Judenfrage keine Erlösung der Menschkeit!" that could be translated as "Without a solution to the Jewish question, no salvation for the humankind!". Obviously, the solution to the Jewish question that "Der Stürmer" asked for was the destruction of the European Jews. With leaflets like this, Julius Streicher, the owner and director of Der Stürmer wanted to spread the antisemitism all over Germany and occupied countries. Leaflet, apart from some crease is in great condition. Finding this kind of leaflets is really difficult, since many were destroyed after the war. RCV