Eight pictures of the funeral of SS soldiers 15 Pz.Gr. Rgt. 1 " Hohenstaofen " ? Price:$160.00 Product category: Sold items/ArchivesMilitary Division: Waffen SS Eight pictures of the funeral of SS soldiers 15 Pz.Gr. Rgt. 1 " Hohenstaofen ? " Specifics: Photos - Photo albumsSoldier personal itemsStock: 0
Ground dug knuckle-duster used by German soldiers and Polizei and also camp guards to punish inmates Ground dug knuckle-duster used by German soldiers and Polizei and also camp guards to punish inmates $160.00
WW 2 - German Red Cross - Nice set of 3 ID documents to a DRK nurse - helferin WW 2 - German Red Cross - Nice set of 3 ID documents to a DRK nurse - helferin $130.00
KL Gross Rosen - Holocaust - Super rare Gross Rosen concentration camp inmate's engraved cigarette box! KL Gross Rosen - Holocaust - Super rare Gross Rosen concentration camp inmate's engraved cigarette box! $580.00
KL Stutthof - Holocaust - Very interesting hand-engraved cigarette case from KL Stutthof inmate!!! KL Stutthof - Holocaust - Very interesting hand-engraved cigarette case from KL Stutthof inmate!!! $660.00