Excellent photo album of a young Wehrmacht soldier with pictures since 1933 to the years of the WW2, including Polish soldiers and Jewish ghetto!
Price: | $850.00 |
Excellent photo album of a young Wehrmacht soldier with pictures since 1933 to the years of the WW2. Many pages full of nice photographs depicting initial service in the Freiwilliger Arbeitsdienst or FAD (Voluntary Labor Service) where he volunteered in 1933, to his early years in the Wehrmacht. There are different places all around the III Reich geography, including occupied Poland , Czech cities and other photos of military vehicles such as motorcycles or cars. Also photos with family, comrades and funny moments during his duty are shown. It's important to comment that this album also has interesting photos of polish soldiers and officers before the war and also photos of ghetto Radom with destroyed buildings and some Jews. Interesting postcard size photos depict beautiful landscapes and also the famous Gross-Born training camp. One of the postcards is from Buchenwald. Album is complete with no missing photos and it has a nicely decorated cover. Main photo is in book "A glimpse of Evil" . Condition is very good.