Filled in Money Cheque to a Polish Jew Called Jozef Epstein - Warsaw 1858 - 2700 Zlotys Price:$130.00 Product category: Jewish Holocaust Ghettos Filled in Money Cheque to a Polish Jew Called Jozef Epstein - Warsaw 1858 - 2700 Zlotys. Specifics: Documents & paperworkJewish itemsStock: 1
Very BIg and Rare Silver Thread Made Banner of Former Rabbi of Poland Zew Wawa Morejno Very BIg and Rare Silver Thread Made Banner of Former Rabbi of Poland Zew Wawa Morejno $520.00
Rare Beautifully Silver Embroidered Jewish Atarah of Former Rabbi of Poland Zew Wawa Morejno Rare Beautifully Silver Embroidered Jewish Atarah of Former Rabbi of Poland Zew Wawa Morejno $220.00
Ultra anti-Semitic III Reich period booklet "Der Jude als Weltparasit" (The Jew as world parasite) by Emil Reiffner and Erich Schwarzburg - 1944 Ultra anti-Semitic III Reich period booklet "Der Jude als Weltparasit" (The Jew as world parasite) by Emil Reiffner and Erich Schwarzburg - 1944 $140.00
Interesting pre-Nazi era antisystem and anti-Semitic propaganda publication of support for Hitler Interesting pre-Nazi era antisystem and anti-Semitic propaganda publication of support for Hitler $110.00