French Anti-Semitic Booklet With Cartoons Mocking the Jews "A Good French..." Price:$260.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives French Anti-Semitic Booklet With Cartoons Mocking the Jews "A Good French. Specifics: Documents & paperworkHolocaustJewish itemsPropaganda - Anti jewishStock: 0
KL Buchenwald - Drawing by Polish Artist Pawel Holewik KL Buchenwald - Drawing by Polish Artist Pawel Holewik $520.00
KL Buchenwald - Drawing by Polish Artist Pawel Holewik KL Buchenwald - Drawing by Polish Artist Pawel Holewik $580.00
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III Reich Rare Plate From an IG Farbenindustrie AG Plant Cantine With Stamped Logo of the Company III Reich Rare Plate From an IG Farbenindustrie AG Plant Cantine With Stamped Logo of the Company $230.00