Front propaganda leaflet and safe-conduct thrown by Red Army into Axis zone!
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This original propaganda leaflet is an example of those Red Army threw over German lines so that German soldiers and their allies give up fighting and cross the enemy lines to surrender to Soviets. In this case it's also a Passierschein or safe-conduct. Supposedly when crossing the enemy lines, they would give you first aid if wounded, food and protection. War propaganda was very common and it tried to persuade the enemy to abandon their lines, because what they had awaiting in the enemy lines was to be far better: food, treatment, etc. Obviously it was a deception, but after months of crude fighting some soldiers dreamt of giving up and ending the war alive. Nothing but a psichological trap. This one is in great condition and both in German and Russian on the reverse. On the front we can read "Wählt nocht heute: Leben oder Tod, denn morgen wird es zu spät sein!" what means, "Make your decision today: Dead or alive, because later is gonna be too late!".