German Winterhilfswerk 1933-34 Campaign Leaflet Asking for Pfennig Donation BIG ! Price:$320.00 Product category: German non-military German Winterhilfswerk 1933-34 Campaign Leaflet Asking for Pfennig Donation.Big carboard. Size: 32x24cm Specifics: Documents & paperworkNazi panels and boardsPropaganda itemsStock: 1
Set of 5 Photos of Football Teams in Nazi Germany Set of 5 Photos of Football Teams in Nazi Germany $80.00
Passport issued to German Man from Hannover in 1936 Passport issued to German Man from Hannover in 1936 $20.00
German Passport to a Polish Couple from Beuthen 1928 German Passport to a Polish Couple from Beuthen 1928 $40.00
Rare Trilingual Personalausweis Issued to a Polish Woman 1943 Rare Trilingual Personalausweis Issued to a Polish Woman 1943 $80.00