Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Three bills issued on Ghetto ! 1941 Price:$180.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Three bills issued on Ghetto !Specifics: Documents & paperworkGhetto itemsHolocaustJewish itemsExecutionsStock: 0
Document from the ghetto of Wieliczka. Small ghetto with 7000- 8000 Jews! - 1941 Document from the ghetto of Wieliczka. Small ghetto with 7000- 8000 Jews! - 1941 $140.00
KL Dachau - Pennant hand crafted by a Christian prisoner KL Dachau - Pennant hand crafted by a Christian prisoner $390.00
Very curious butterfly knife! Kapo owned - serval camp ! Very curious butterfly knife! Kapo owned - serval camp ! $500.00
Aircraft of the United States - 1945 - few hundreds aircraft ! Aircraft of the United States - 1945 - few hundreds aircraft ! $120.00