Ghetto Warsaw - Amazing artifact: a wooden truncheon used by Jewish Ordnungsdienst or Jewish ghetto police in Warsaw ghetto!!!
Price: | $7,600.00 |

Since we offer the best and rarest items related to Holocaust and ghettos, we are in this case proud to offer such a rare and not often seen item for sale: an original and awesome truncheon used by a member of the Warsaw Ghetto Jewish police member also called Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst ! This police was created by Nazi authorities to keep the order inside the Ghetto. The truncheon, with use, is complete and made from very hard wood. It still has the rope hanging on the handle to adjust and wear it around the wrist of the policeman. This truncheon has some particularities that make it specially rare and unique. The quality of the handle is awesome with featuring consecutive rings, and on the top of it we can see a Star of David carved in relief. There's also the legend "Warschau 1942" in relief in the truncheon's body, which is a very high quality handcrafted piece, made by a very good wood craftsman. The piece itself shows use because we can see the notches and marks of the hits along the truncheon as well as the wear and beautiful patina that gives it character and the old look of an item of more than 70 years. This was the only weapons that those Jews of the Ghetto Police were allowed to use, Jews that were considered by other Jews as traitors, but that eventually were also sent to extermination camps like Treblinka or Auschwitz. This is one of the most impressive items we have ever had for sale and for sure dont find other item like this. We recommend to the best collections, and most preferably to some holocaust museum. In last few photos we show few photos from Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst with truncheon but for sure not all its from ghetto Warsaw.