Gross-Rosen KL SS guard metal and leather truncheon! Attic found in a former house of SS officer close to the camp!!!
Price: | $670.00 |
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Military Division:
This great item was found in the attic of a former countryside house that belonged to an SS officer during the German occupation of Poland and that was part of Gross-Rosen KL complex. It was found among other SS items that had been kept in the attic of an old house that after the war was seized by the Polish government and given to Polish farmers of Gross-Rosen. So this have been kept by the new owers until some time ago, when it was sold to a collector of the area. The house is located 2 km far from the main camp. It was though part of the complex.
It's basically a SiPo (Sicherheitspolizei) truncheon made from metal and customised by the SS guard to hit the inmates with leather covering with a heavy metal ball on the edge to cause more damage when hitting. It's a very rare piece and with best provenance. Previous former used it since the 50s to hit the pigs of a farm before they were killed!
Don't let such a piece go. Things like this, full of history and witness of one of the saddest periods of our history should be in a good collection or museum.
