The Hitler Face - Heinrich Hoffmann Photos 1939
Price: | $140.00 |
The Hitler face. Professor Heinrich Hoffmann, Reich's photo reporter of the NSDAP (editor):Published by Berlin, Zeitgeschichte-Verlag,, 1939 - Photo book, probably published right before Hitler's 50th birthday on April 20 1939. The portrait photos are all by Hitler's household photographer Heinrich Hoffmann, tutor of young Eva Braun. Baldur von Schirach was head of the Hitler-Jugend. 38 pages, without counting, with many full-page photo images on art paper, font: Fraktur, with printer's note "The NSDAP has no reservations about the publication of this font. The font is listed in the NS bibliography. Berlin, April 5th, 1939: Der Chair of the party official examination committee for the protection of the "s". A total of 16 portraits of the Führer in exemplary photos, with descriptions such as: "1923. Between the" German Day "in Nuremberg and November 9 at the Feldherrnhalle. The army show of the faithful lies behind him - in front of him: the deed" / "1928. Adolf Hitler persistently and unswervingly leads the party on the "legal path" to success, despite the ban on speaking, hatred and slander. It is the time of the Reichstag election. 800,000 people profess him. The name Adolf Hitler has become the program of the brave "/" 1929 the leader storms from meeting to meeting. His word tears the shy forward, makes those who doubt believe. The terror of the opponents grows and with it the persecution by the henchmen of a dishonorable system. In superhuman work, a will forces fate. Germany stands up! " / "1934. Even the ancient republics with their hard-core state sentiments resorted to dictatorship in times of need. If the lives of peoples are at stake, then popular representations, parliaments and even state parliaments are no good, then only giants are good!" / "Our world power: Adolf Hitler!" - German / Third / Greater German Reich, Greater Germany before World War II, Adolf Hitler in the picture, Hitler portrait, Hitler photos, Führer photo, Führer images, Führer cult, glorification of the Führer, personality cult, NS.-illustrated book.