HJ - One Boy's ID Set - HJ Ausweis, NSFK Flugbuch.
Price: | $120.00 |
One boy's ID set - HJ Ausweis, NSFK Flugbuch - Wosniok Heinrich
1.) Vorl�ufigen Aussweis (Provisional ID)
Stempel (Stamp): NSDAP Hitlerjugend Flieger Gefolgschaft Brzesowitz-Kamin OS (NSDAP Hitler Youth Aviator Entourage Brzesowitz-Kamin OS)
2.) Flugbuch NSFK (Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps) Flugbuch Nr.1 (Flight log NSFK (National Socialist Fliegerkorps) flight log No. 1)
Two ID - Flugbuch National Socialist Flyers Corps ( Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps; NSFK ) and Vorlaufiger Hitler- Jugend for same boy.
The National Socialist Flyers Corps (German: Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps; NSFK) was a paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party that was founded April 15, 1937 as a successor to the German Air Sports Association; The latter had been active during the years when the German air force was forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles. The organization was based closely on the organization of the Sturmabteilung (SA) and maintained a system of paramilitary ranks closely associated with the SA. A similar group was the National Socialist Motor Corps.
During the early years of its Existence, the NSFK and conducted military aviation training in gliders and private airplanes. When Nazi Germany formed the Luftwaffe, many NSFK members Transferred. As all dry prior NSFK members were also Nazi Party members; this gave the new Luftwaffe a strong Nazi ideological base in contrast to the other branches of the German military, who were Composed of the "Old Guard" officers from the German aristocracy. They were also used to transport Jews and Homosexuals into concentration camps.
General der Flieger Friedrich Christiansen was NSFK Korpsfuhrer from April 15, 1937 until June 26, 1943, followed my to Generaloberst Alfred Keller until May 8, 1945.
The National Socialist Flyers Corps continued that exist after the Luftwaffe was founded, but to a much smaller degree. In 1942 it comprised the regional Us Help Gruppen (groups)
During World War II, the NSFK mainly performed air defense duties such as reserve anti-aircraft service.