We offer you this amazing set of 37 documents and items that belonged to the Jewish brothers Glicenstein from Poland. including photos, postcards from ghettos, papers in Hebrew and two stamps...
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We offer you this amazing set of 37 documents and items that belonged to the Jewish brothers Glicenstein from Poland. including photos, postcards from ghettos, papers in Hebrew and two stamps registered . This set comprises a great compendium of documents such as postcards sent by brothers from ghetto Warsaw where they were taken to during the persecution of the Jews in Europe, others sent to ghetto in Leslau. It also comprises a nice set of photos related with cycling and other sports, due to the fact that these brothers were sportsmen that belonged to a Polish Jewish Macabi sports club. There are also period photos of a kind of university or school brotherhood. The set also includes a big poster with the name of his father and many papers such as a wedding invitation in polish and Hebrew, ID pass, Makabi sports club papers, one written in Hebrew, etc. All in all, a magnificent set related to Polish jews who were brothers and suffered the persecution by the Nazis in the occupied Poland.
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