Very small ghetto in Zarnow .
This document about deals with the approval of gifts in the form of drugs from the Jewish Social Self Commitee .
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More info about Jewish in Zarnow :
After the Germans entered Zarnów in 1939. It began the persecution of the Jews. Germany ordered community representatives to wear armbands with the Star of David. They were not allowed to leave the boundaries of the town, loaded them into "taxes". Chairman created by the Germans, the Judenrat was Abraham Weinberg, later murdered together with other members of the Judenrat by the Germans in April or May 1942. Judenrat shooting was related to the discovery by the Germans hiding in the town of communist activist; Board members were buried in a mass grave in the Jewish cemetery in Opoczno. His place was then Hillel Zechariah.
Zarnów ghetto, which was not fenced; However, lowering its limits by the Jews was forbidden. Risking their lives, the prisoners slipped, however, outside his precinct, mostly to the nearby village where they bought food. In the period of the ghetto it came to him, 1.6 thousand. Jews. They were mainly refugees and displaced persons. Most Jews to survive selling his property; some of them also worked occasionally with the Germans or the Poles in agriculture.
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