We offer for sale this ultra rare item: a big size hanging David Star made from metal and with the German text "Hier nicht" (here not), telling that Jews weren't allowed in the shop. Stars and such kind of panels were very common in German business all over Germany during III Reich period, after the Nürnberg Laws were established and the Jews weren't allowed to enter Germanic shops and business. This one is big and apart from being made from metal, it has 2 chains to hang it from the ceiling of the shop or in a visible place like the store window. "Hier nicht" letters are metal letters screwed to the big star. This piece, a museum piece without any doubt, is really difficult to come across and considering that overall condition is really good, we're talking about a true jewel and in many senses a "one of a kind" item. Chances like this appear from time to time, and if you really collect Holocaust related stuff, this would be a stunning addition. Don't miss the chance!
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