Holocaust - photo of Jewish in Poland 1939 Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Holocaust - photo of Jewish in Poland 1939 Very nice photo come from German soldier album . Specifics: Documents & paperworkGhetto itemsHolocaustJewish itemsPhotos - Photo albumsStock: 0
WW II - Litzmannstadt - Police - Period edition of Alfred Rosenberg's book "Blut und Ehre" (Blood and Honor) dedicated to a member of Litzmannstadt KriPo WW II - Litzmannstadt - Police - Period edition of Alfred Rosenberg's book "Blut und Ehre" (Blood and Honor) dedicated to a member of Litzmannstadt KriPo $290.00
NSDAP - Big enamelled metal panel "Hier spricht der NSDAP" - NSDAP public speaking announcement sign! NSDAP - Big enamelled metal panel "Hier spricht der NSDAP" - NSDAP public speaking announcement sign! $360.00
Big enamelled metal panel "Hier spricht der NSDAP" - NSDAP public speaking announcement sign! Big enamelled metal panel "Hier spricht der NSDAP" - NSDAP public speaking announcement sign! $190.00
III Reich period enameled metal plate used to identify buildings with Magdeburger insurance fire company service III Reich period enameled metal plate used to identify buildings with Magdeburger insurance fire company service $160.00