Holocaust - photo of Jewish in Poland 1939 Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Holocaust - photo of Jewish in Poland 1939 Very nice photo come from German soldier album . Specifics: Documents & paperworkGhetto itemsHolocaustJewish itemsPhotos - Photo albumsStock: 0
KL Buchenwald - Rare type of letter sent from Buchenwald - 1944 KL Buchenwald - Rare type of letter sent from Buchenwald - 1944 $100.00
Auschwitz Buna Werke - IG Farbenindustrie - book from Monowitz library!!! Auschwitz Buna Werke - IG Farbenindustrie - book from Monowitz library!!! $120.00
WW II - Nice Dienstausweis or working certificate issued to a employee warehouse from Litzmannstadt . WW II - Nice Dienstausweis or working certificate issued to a employee warehouse from Litzmannstadt . $100.00
KL Sachsenhausen - The post-war commemorative medal liberation of the KL Sachsenhausen KL Sachsenhausen - The post-war commemorative medal liberation of the KL Sachsenhausen $75.00