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Notice: Undefined index: random in backstretch_context_reaction_backstretch->execute() (line 398 of /home/3reich/public_html/sites/all/modules/backstretch/plugins/backstretch_context_reaction_backstretch.inc).

Holocaust - Wehrmacht soldier posing with Jew

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Photo of a Wehrmacht soldier posing with a poor Jew wearing the white armband in an unknown place in Poland. It might be a ghetto. Soldier who's wearing a Waffenrock smiles while Jew who seems to be suffering. There's also a young boy, barefoot, that appears in the caption. Removed from German photo album. It appears in the book by Norbert Podlesny and Daniel de Varannes "A Glimpse of Evil - Part I of a Trilogy", the best reference book ever published about the Holocaust artifacts and collectibles.
