Huge compilaton of documents and photos to a German soldier before, during and just few after the war!
Price: | $1,400.00 |
Big compilaton of documents and photos to a German soldier before, during and just few after the war but most is until 1945. All perfectly classified in a green file folder, we can find all kinds of documents: Kennkarte, Reisepass, photos in the SA, in the Wehrmacht, family photos, many hand written letters, photos after the war, some photo album pages, portraits, photo of fallen soldier, monument postcards and photos, award document to a woman who might be his wife, press cuts, etc. All since the early 30s to the 50s. It seems kept by this man until he died. Many of these documents are drilled to keep them in the file folder. Compilation is really thick! Plenty of pages!
Condition of all the documents and photos is really good. A whole life summarised in a folder!