We offer you the chance to get an outstanding item. This is an original copy of those posters that Nazi authorities of the occupied Poland hanged on the walls of the streets of Lviv (Lemberg in its arianized name), that was a city in the border between Poland and Ukraine. This poster was an ordinance that notified the citizens of Lviv about the creation of the Jewish ghetto of Lviv! We can read the dates' milestones of the creation of the ghetto, with the expropriation of the buildings and houses that were to be included within the ghetto area. It also talks about the instructions the owners of those confiscated buildings must follow to be given new homes. This is trully awesome piece, an absolute ultra rare item that fits in a museum about Holocaust. It's in three languages: German, Ukrainian and Polish and overall condition is excellent apart from some minor damage or tears on the edge. Size 60cm x 84cm In other auction we offer poster about "Regulation of additional " concerning the same ghetto ! ***** https://3reich-collector.com/concentration-camp-ww2-german/holocaust-imp....
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