Huge set of decorations and documents after the Luftwaffe pilot night fighter sqadron 4
Price: | $4,200.00 |
A large set of decorations and documents after the Luftwaffe pilot.
NCO (Sergeant) - Unteroffizier (Feldwebel) Hans-Walter Beckmann
He performed military service in : Nachtjagdgeschwader 4 (Night Fighter Squadron 4)
The Nachtjagdgeschwader 4 was a squadron of the Luftwaffe in World War II, which was primarily set up and used for night hunting. After its formation, the squadron first flew in western France, later exclusively in defense of the empire. Among other things, it was tasked with air raid protection for southern Germany. The squadron also flew long-range hunting missions over England from the end of 1944. At the end of the war, the squadron was in the Schleswig-Holstein area, where it capitulated.
May 1, 1942 is given as the official formation date of the squadron.The NJG 4 was initially subordinated to the 3rd Hunting Division, later to the 4th Hunting Division. In 1942 and 1943, the squadron's groups were in France at airfields such as Metz, St. Dizier, Dijon-Longvic, Dole-Tavaux, Laon-Athies, Florennes and Juvincourt. In addition, locations of the III. Group acquainted with Brandis and Jüterbog. In the spring of 1944 the squadron staff was in Chenay, the I. Group in Florennes, the II. In Coulommiers and the III. in Mainz, later again at Juvincourt. After the Allied landing in Normandy in June 1944, the squadron was deployed on the invasion front until August 1944, including operations in the Avranches area and Nijmegen in the Netherlands.
Then the squadron was relocated back to Germany for the defense of the Reich. The squadron staff was delegated to Mainz. The I. group was in Langendiebach, the II. In Frankfurt am Main and the III. The group was stationed in Twente. Here, the squadron was responsible for protecting southern Germany. At the end of 1944 the squadron was relocated again. The squadron staff was now in Paderborn-Mönkeloh, the I. still in Langendiebach, the II. Group in Gütersloh and the III. was in Kassel-Rothwesten. By the end of the war, the remnants of the squadron were pushed towards Schleswig-Holstein (Eggebek among others), it surrendered there, some also in Faßberg. At the beginning of May 1945 the squadron consisted of only three squadrons. Until then, in the last months of the war it had been used on long-range hunting missions against England and in the destruction of the Allied pontoon bridges near Wesel.
In total, the NJG 4 achieved 579 aerial victories against large bombers from its formation until the end of the war, which corresponds to about three complete bomber divisions.
The kit includes, among others:
Two sets and one single FLIGHT FELDWEBELS’ SHOULDER STRAP (Schulterklappe).
Single FLIGHT OBERGEFREITER'S COLLAR TAB (Kragenspiegel). Golden yellow wool collar tab with three aluminum rank "gulls".
EM/NCO'S VISOR CAP EAGLE (Schirmmütze Adler für Mannschaften und Unteroffizier). Nicely detailed, second pattern, (Circa 1936/37-1945), silver washed, die stamped, alloy construction, stylized, Luftwaffe visor cap eagle in flight, clutching a canted swastika in one talon. The hollow reverse of the eagle is a mirror image of the obverse. Scarce pattern fold over tabs. Nice! (One catch is missing).
AWARDS DOCUMENTS - Acts of awarding decorations:
IRON CROSS 2nd CLASS, 1939 (Eisernes Kreuz II Klasse) of 25.03.1944
IRON CROSS 1st CLASS, 1939 (Eisernes Kreuz I Klasse) of 31.05.1944
LUFTWAFFE SHORT RRANGE NIGHTFIGHTER CLASP IN BRONZE ( Frontflugspange für Nah-Nachtjäger in Bronze) of 28.02.1944.
LUFTWAFFE SHORT RRANGE NIGHTFIGHTER CLASP IN SILVER ( Frontflugspange für Nah-Nachtjäger in Silber) of 17.02.1945. With a spange.
EM/NCO'S WIRELESS OPERATOR'S/AIR GUNNER'S BADGE IN CLOTH (Fliegerschützenabzeichen für Bordfunker Stoffausführung) of 9.03.1943.
DRL SPORTS BADGE, BRONZE (Deutsches Reichsabzeichen für Leibesübungen, Bronze) of 22.05.1940
DRL BRONZE SPORTS BADGE IN CLOTH (Deutsches Reichsabzeichen für Leibesübungen, Bronze) of 22.05.1940.
Birth Certificate (Geburtsurkunde)
The act of awarding the promotion to Sergeant (Feldfebel) of 31.08.1944
Winner certificate at the swimming festival (Sieger-Urkunde auf dem Schwimmfest) of 6.03.1938
Certificate of participation in a training course (Bescheinigung über Teilnahme an einem Schulungskursus) of 9.03.1939
Certificate at the foundation festival (Urkunde auf dem Stiftungsfest) of 1939
Three sports diplomas with commemorative badges (oak leaves) of 18.09.1939 , 6.04.1942.
Very intresting FLIGHT LOG (FLUGBUCH) ent ries in the book from May 21, 1942.
He flew on airplanes: Ar 96 (Arado), Bf 110 (Messerschmitt), B.V.138 (Blohm & Voss), Do 18, 215, 217 (Dornier), F.W.58 (Focke-Wulf), He 111 (Heinkel), JU 52, 86, 88 (Junkers), Me 110 (Messerschmitt), W 34 (Junkers)
Letters with correspondence from the pilot to the family (written in 1941-1944).
Personal photos of the pilot.
Very interesting historical material.