ID -Ausweis - Informers & traitors - Deutsche Volksliste Price:$40.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives ID -Ausweis - Informers - Traitors - and all those who signed the" list of German " (Deutsche Volksliste )Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDStock: 0
WW2 - 3 Books from Auschwitz Buna Werke - IG Farbenindustrie - books from Monowitz library!!! WW2 - 3 Books from Auschwitz Buna Werke - IG Farbenindustrie - books from Monowitz library!!! $290.00
WW2 - 2 Books from Auschwitz Buna Werke - IG Farbenindustrie - books from Monowitz library!!! WW2 - 2 Books from Auschwitz Buna Werke - IG Farbenindustrie - books from Monowitz library!!! $300.00
WW2 - Rare very low number inmate's letter from KL Groß-Rosen! WW2 - Rare very low number inmate's letter from KL Groß-Rosen! $140.00
WW2 - Stunning Feldpost letter with envelope sent by KL Natzweiler TK guard to his espouse! WW2 - Stunning Feldpost letter with envelope sent by KL Natzweiler TK guard to his espouse! $600.00