ID -Ausweis - Informers & traitors - Deutsche Volksliste Price:$40.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives ID -Ausweis - Informers - Traitors - and all those who signed the" list of German " (Deutsche Volksliste )Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDStock: 0
WW2 German Waffen SS M42 ET62 helmet + COA, complete 100% original combat. decal rate 75% WW2 German Waffen SS M42 ET62 helmet + COA, complete 100% original combat. decal rate 75% $3,999.00
ID card - Documents - Worksheet - laborer - prisons - slave Mill worker - the name of Hermann Goring ID card - Documents - Worksheet - laborer - prisons - slave Mill worker - the name of Hermann Goring $180.00
Thick enamel board - Ferrum AG. Werk Sosnowitz - Lokomotivwerke Thick enamel board - Ferrum AG. Werk Sosnowitz - Lokomotivwerke $85.00
KL Flossenburg - camp money token Pramienschein token RM1 ! KL Flossenburg - camp money token Pramienschein token RM1 ! $520.00