ID card - Railways ticket - personal ID ausweis - 1943 Price:$45.00 Product category: Forced Labour Camps ID card -Railways ticket - personal ID ausweis - 1943Specifics: Forced labor itemsIdentification docs - IDStock: 1
WW II - The permit for the Polish worker issued by the Waffen SS for special services WW II - The permit for the Polish worker issued by the Waffen SS for special services $140.00
WW II - Leverkusen IG Farbenindustrie health insurance fund contract issued to a Polish forced laborer who worked as graphic designer WW II - Leverkusen IG Farbenindustrie health insurance fund contract issued to a Polish forced laborer who worked as graphic designer $80.00
WW2 - ID pass to a Polish laborer who worked for a German Firma in Litzmannstadt WW2 - ID pass to a Polish laborer who worked for a German Firma in Litzmannstadt $100.00
2 x Factory access ID cards of a Polish forced laborer who worked for Firmas Oberhütten Werk & Presswerk Laband!!! 2 x Factory access ID cards of a Polish forced laborer who worked for Firmas Oberhütten Werk & Presswerk Laband!!! $100.00