ID card - Railways ticket - personal ID ausweis - 1943 Price:$45.00 Product category: Forced Labour Camps ID card -Railways ticket - personal ID ausweis - 1943Specifics: Forced labor itemsIdentification docs - IDStock: 1
WW 2 - Laminated factory ID pass to a worker of a German Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke - steel manufacturer in Henningsdorf - 1940. WW 2 - Laminated factory ID pass to a worker of a German Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke - steel manufacturer in Henningsdorf - 1940. $120.00
WW 2 - Factory ID pass to a German worker of H. Kuhnke elektrotechn. Fabrik in Bromberg1942-1943 WW 2 - Factory ID pass to a German worker of H. Kuhnke elektrotechn. Fabrik in Bromberg1942-1943 $110.00
WW II - Laminated ID for German worker in armor factory Kampnagel 1944 WW II - Laminated ID for German worker in armor factory Kampnagel 1944 $120.00
Set of Documents to a Polish Worker in the Generalgouvernement 1943-44 Radom - Pionki Forced Labor Set of Documents to a Polish Worker in the Generalgouvernement 1943-44 Radom - Pionki Forced Labor $120.00