Inländer Jahresjagdschein - The annual hunting license 1941- 44 Price:$65.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Inländer Jahresjagdschein - The annual hunting license 1941- 44Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDStock: 0
German Informative Sheet for Polish Population in Warsaw During Warsaw Uprising in 1944 German Informative Sheet for Polish Population in Warsaw During Warsaw Uprising in 1944 $260.00
Set of Documents to a Former Polish KL Dachau Prisoner - Envelopes, Repatriation Certificate, ID... Set of Documents to a Former Polish KL Dachau Prisoner - Envelopes, Repatriation Certificate, ID... $390.00
Work Book For Foreigners Issued to a Prisoner of War and a Photo as Soldier 1941 Work Book For Foreigners Issued to a Prisoner of War and a Photo as Soldier 1941 $160.00
Promotional Document to Police Officer Who was in Warsaw Ghetto Liquidation! Signed by Kurt Daluege Promotional Document to Police Officer Who was in Warsaw Ghetto Liquidation! Signed by Kurt Daluege $1,100.00