Jewish couple 2 ID - 1939 and 1945 Gouvernmant of Palestine Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Jewish couple 2 ID - 1939 and 1945 Gouvernmant of Palestine Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDJewish itemsStock: 0
KL Sachsenhausen/Oranienburg and KL Ravensbrueck - 2 rare posters with maps and explanations of the infamous "Death marches" that thousands of prisoners KL Sachsenhausen/Oranienburg and KL Ravensbrueck - 2 rare posters with maps and explanations of the infamous "Death marches" that thousands of prisoners $320.00
Der Sturmer - Rare anti-Semitic 3Reich poster "Wenn Juden Lachen " publishing by the Sturmer publishig house ! Der Sturmer - Rare anti-Semitic 3Reich poster "Wenn Juden Lachen " publishing by the Sturmer publishig house ! $760.00
Jewish - Belongings' form filled in the package office in Wien by a Jewish Couple from that city that emmigrated to London - 1939 Jewish - Belongings' form filled in the package office in Wien by a Jewish Couple from that city that emmigrated to London - 1939 $160.00
Rare Red Cross enquiry form filled with the names of a Czech family that was deported to Theresienstadt and then to KL Auschwitz and eversince there's no news from them and answered on the reverse - 1946 Rare Red Cross enquiry form filled with the names of a Czech family that was deported to Theresienstadt and then to KL Auschwitz and eversince there's no news from them and answered on the reverse - 1946 $100.00