Jewish couple 2 ID - 1939 and 1945 Gouvernmant of Palestine Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Jewish couple 2 ID - 1939 and 1945 Gouvernmant of Palestine Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDJewish itemsStock: 0
Die Wehrmacht - Anti-Bolshevik great cover "Red bayonets against Europe" in propaganda military magazine 1937 Die Wehrmacht - Anti-Bolshevik great cover "Red bayonets against Europe" in propaganda military magazine 1937 $110.00
Awesome book about the caricatures of the Jews through history with some color sheets "Die Juden in der Karikatur" 1921 Awesome book about the caricatures of the Jews through history with some color sheets "Die Juden in der Karikatur" 1921 $260.00
Anti Semitic and Anti-Bolshevik propaganda postcard from exhibition 'Bolshevism without mask' in Wien 1938 Anti Semitic and Anti-Bolshevik propaganda postcard from exhibition 'Bolshevism without mask' in Wien 1938 $100.00
Museum example of a concentration camp former inmate's cap! Museum example of a concentration camp former inmate's cap! $1,880.00