Jewish couple 2 ID - 1939 and 1945 Gouvernmant of Palestine Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Jewish couple 2 ID - 1939 and 1945 Gouvernmant of Palestine Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDJewish itemsStock: 0
KL Buchenwald - Ultra rare document signed personally by KL Buchenwald Lagerkommandant SS-Standartenführer Karl Otto Koch regarding the approval of the weekle parole of the camp - 1939!!! KL Buchenwald - Ultra rare document signed personally by KL Buchenwald Lagerkommandant SS-Standartenführer Karl Otto Koch regarding the approval of the weekle parole of the camp - 1939!!! $1,280.00
Big size ultra rare poster in Czech with racist content showing USSR soldiers and citizens as subhumans!!! Big size ultra rare poster in Czech with racist content showing USSR soldiers and citizens as subhumans!!! $1,200.00
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women ! With red "J" stamped! Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women ! With red "J" stamped! $580.00
Example of the infamous and violent anti-semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer" Example of the infamous and violent anti-semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer" $130.00