Jewish couple 2 ID - 1939 and 1945 Gouvernmant of Palestine Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Jewish couple 2 ID - 1939 and 1945 Gouvernmant of Palestine Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDJewish itemsStock: 0
Ausweis issued to a Czech who was used as forced labor in IG Farben factory in Premnitz Ausweis issued to a Czech who was used as forced labor in IG Farben factory in Premnitz $120.00
Original photo of a Polish Orthodox Jew in an unknown Jewish Ghetto in Poland Original photo of a Polish Orthodox Jew in an unknown Jewish Ghetto in Poland $60.00
Small and very interesting photo album of a Wehrmacht soldier 71 photos ! Small and very interesting photo album of a Wehrmacht soldier 71 photos ! $130.00
3 different Karte or Ausweis issued to a Polish woman from Lemberg related to her academic years 3 different Karte or Ausweis issued to a Polish woman from Lemberg related to her academic years $140.00