Jewish couple 2 ID - 1939 and 1945 Gouvernmant of Palestine Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Jewish couple 2 ID - 1939 and 1945 Gouvernmant of Palestine Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDJewish itemsStock: 0
KL Auschwitz - Very rare letter sent from sub camp of KL Auschwitz - KL Birkenau hospital KL Auschwitz - Very rare letter sent from sub camp of KL Auschwitz - KL Birkenau hospital $160.00
WW 2 - Set of 2 documents sent to a nurse a assistant at the end of the war forcing her to volunteer in a hospital in Lodz WW 2 - Set of 2 documents sent to a nurse a assistant at the end of the war forcing her to volunteer in a hospital in Lodz $50.00
WW 2 - Very rare document regarding the seizure of the home of a Polish woman in Litzmannstadt to accommodate for ethical Germans WW 2 - Very rare document regarding the seizure of the home of a Polish woman in Litzmannstadt to accommodate for ethical Germans $70.00
Judaica - Press discount copuon of the Supporting club of the "Antisemitenbund" or Anti-Semitic association Judaica - Press discount copuon of the Supporting club of the "Antisemitenbund" or Anti-Semitic association $65.00