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Notice: Undefined index: random in backstretch_context_reaction_backstretch->execute() (line 398 of /home/3reich/public_html/sites/all/modules/backstretch/plugins/backstretch_context_reaction_backstretch.inc).

Jewish - Holocaust - Photo depicting some Jews wearing the armbands with Jew star of David in Warsaw ghetto

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Photo depicting some Jews wearing the armbands with Jew star of David inWarsaw ghetto. They seem to be listening to some instructions or just chatting about something of interest for the Jewish community or on the back is point of sale of tobacco ( this advertising panel ). Photo is removed from photo album and it's private taken.This photo was published in the book by Norbert Podlesny "A glimpse of Evil - Part I of a Trilogy", considered the best study on Holocaust artifacts and photos ever done! Photo is in good condition.
