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Jewish - Photo of a Polish eldery Jew posing for the camera in the ghetto of Zamość, in Poland - end of 1939

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 Photo of a Polish eldery Jew posing for the camera in the Ghetto of Zamość, in Poland. Who knows the fate of those Jews in the photo, but reading about the ghetto of Zamość, we guess he was killed in an extermination camp. This old man is wearing the white armband to identify the Jews in the ghetto. On the reverese it reads in German "Ein poln. Jüde in Zamosc, 1939" (A Polish Jew in Zamosc. 1939). Photo in excellent condition developed in Agfa Lupex paper. The Zamość ghetto was a ghetto camp in Zamość in the Lublin district of the then Generalgouvernements of Poland. In early December 1939, the Gestapo ordered the formation of a Judenrat , which consisted of twelve members. The chairman was Ben-Zion Lubliner, who was replaced in January 1940 by the lawyer Mieczyslaw Garfinkel. Many Jews had fled to Russia before the German occupation. The Germans in turn deported Jews from the Wartheland, among others. In 1940, 4,000 Jews came from Zamosc, with another 1,000 coming from abroad. On April 1, 1942, the first transport of Jews took place as part of the action Reinhardt in the extermination camp Bełżec . On May 1, 1942, around 1,000 Jews from the administrative district of Arnsberg were deported from the Hagen freight depot via a Gestapo transit camp at Dortmund Süd station to the Zamosc ghetto. A loft of letters in Niedermarsberg provides information about the fate of the deportees. In the days of 16 to 18 October 1942, the ghetto was liquidated. RVC
