Kennkarte - Identity card - For residents in the " GG " General Gouvernement Price:$60.00 Product category: German non-military Kennkarte - Identity card - For residents in the " GG " General GouvernementSpecifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDStock: 1
Request form to ask for a Kennkarte for a Polish woman from Falkenburg now Zlocieniec Request form to ask for a Kennkarte for a Polish woman from Falkenburg now Zlocieniec $120.00
Set of Ausweis and Postal Identity card to the same German woman from Thuringien Set of Ausweis and Postal Identity card to the same German woman from Thuringien $120.00
WW2 - Business night closing certificate to a Polish woman of Litzmannstadt WW2 - Business night closing certificate to a Polish woman of Litzmannstadt $60.00
WW2 - Nice ID pass of a Pole included in the Deutsche Volksliste - IV category WW2 - Nice ID pass of a Pole included in the Deutsche Volksliste - IV category $50.00