Kennkarte - Identity card - For residents in the Third Reich Price:$35.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Kennkarte - Identity card - For residents in the Third ReichSpecifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDStock: 0
Curious cut-out game from NSKK of 3 miniature planes of the Luftwaffe in 6 carboards Curious cut-out game from NSKK of 3 miniature planes of the Luftwaffe in 6 carboards $290.00
Map holder - Wehrmacht - Compass (signed Krieger & Faudt Berlin) - Pedometer to map - Metal square (signed D.R.G.M) Map holder - Wehrmacht - Compass (signed Krieger & Faudt Berlin) - Pedometer to map - Metal square (signed D.R.G.M) $130.00