We offer for sale this awesome set of documents to a Pole who was in Auschwitz and Neuengamme. He was given the prisoner number 16554 in KL Auschwitz, as you can see in the mug shot included in the set (important, mug shot is a post-war copy made for relatives from Auschwitz archives for relatives). Set is completely researched via International Red Cross in 1984, asked for by relatives, and documents of all the information given by IRC as well as a letter sent by this organization in 1984 is included. It's also 3 money orders from Oppeln prison, from Auschwitz and from Neuengamme. There's also 2 postcards sent from Neuengamme concentration camp by this inmate and a pre-war ID card in Polish with the photo of the man. Also 2 letters in Polish regarding his ex-prisoner of Auschwitz condition are in the set. A great piece of history!
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